Cut of Beef for Roast Beef

Roast beefiness might sound fancy and complicated to make, simply it'due south actually quite simple! With a good piece of meat and some elementary herbs, you lot tin have roast beef that'south way more than tender and flavorful than the store-bought kind. Below, we break down what's about important to know when preparing this classic dish.

The Cutting

In that location's no unmarried cut of beefiness that is necessary to brand roast beefiness. Some common cuts include:

- Meridian round roast

- Acme sirloin roast

- Bottom round roast

- Center of round roast

We usually apply a superlative round roast, but a bottom round roast should piece of work too. If you're unsure, enquire your butcher! Since the meat is dull roasted for a long corporeality of time, even tougher, more lean cuts of meat volition be tender. Merely be aware that if you lot cull a particularly lean cut of meat, it should exist sliced relatively sparse to avoid being also chewy.

The Seasoning

This is where you tin can really go artistic. We kept things simple in this recipe: just thyme, rosemary, salt, and pepper. Feel gratis to swap in any of your favorite herbs (sage, parsley, oregano etc.) or use dried if yous prefer. Spices like cumin or coriander seeds would be delicious every bit well, practise what feels correct to y'all! Simply don't exist shy on the flavorings, this is a large cutting of meat and the more flavor, the better. We advise 1 teaspoon salt per pound. Alliums similar onions, garlic, and scallions would be delicious additions too. I prefer to mix all my flavorings with olive oil to make a paste — it allows for more even distribution and ensures your beef gets seasoned all the way around. (Don't forget the bottom!)

Oven Temperature

You might exist wondering why yous have to alter the temperature of the oven 15 minutes into cooking. I swear, there'south a expert reason! Ideally, all roasted meats would exist seared on all sides in a hot skillet to develop a golden, delicious crust. With something like a top round roast, searing can be next to impossible. (AKA it'southward WAY too large and heavy to move around in a skillet.) Starting with a hot oven gives the roast a chance to go that beautiful crust without bringing out a pan. After y'all've got a caput start on that crust, you tin can lower the temperature and the meat volition showtime cooking from the inside out.

Dropping the temperature down to 325° lets the meat cook slowly and allows all of the tight muscle fibers to relax and volition give you that tender slice of meat you're hoping for. A longer melt time for a cut like this will requite you better results. No need to rush things! If you are looking for something a trivial faster, endeavour our Instant Pot Pot Roast!

Meat Temperature Myth

Conventional wisdom says to bring pretty much any meat you're cooking to room temperature — specially big pieces of meat like turkey breasts, whole chickens, and roasts. The logic: Putting a roast in your oven straight from the refrigerator would cause the exterior layers to be fully cooked (or overcooked) while the middle remains undercooked. Only the truth is that letting meat sit at room temperature raises the temperature past only a negligible corporeality. If your goal is to get meat to room temperature past letting it sit out, you really shouldn't. A cut this large (eastward.k, roast beefiness) would take several hours to come up to room temperature, which is non ideal.

Thermometer Time!

As far equally postal service-cooking temperatures, we adopt a medium to medium-rare roast, with a little pink in the center. In our stance, the meat stays more tender and flavorful this way. If you prefer not to come across any pink, you can roast longer! One affair that'southward non optional, though, is a meat thermometer. It takes the guess work out of cooking big pieces of meat, and we swear it'll come in handy more merely this in one case. Pro tip: make certain you're inserting your thermometer far plenty to hit the center of the roast for an accurate reading. For a medium-rare pot roast, aim for an internal temperature of about 130°F.* The temperature of the meat will go on to rise a bit every bit information technology rests too.

*Note: The USDA recommends cooking whole cuts of beef to 145°F, which will yield a medium pot roast.

Slicing Information technology

I know it's tempting to dig correct in when your roast comes out of the oven. Resist! Transfer your meat to a cutting board and let it rest for 30 minutes to allow all the juices to redistribute throughout the muscle. If you cut information technology right away, all those flavorful juices volition end upward on the cutting board and your meat volition be dry out and sad. 😢When it's time, brand certain to utilize your sharpest carving knife or chef's knife to go nice sparse slices.


Leftover cold roast beef is one of life'southward greatest pleasures. It's so versatile! Utilise it in French dip sliders, in a breakfast hash, or simply cold, direct from the refrigerator. We won't judge!

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roast beef

Kat Wirsing

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