Oh Yes the Past Can Hurt but You Can Either Run From It or Learn From It

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Max Payne ii: The Fall of Max Payne is a computer game developed by Remedy Entertainment in 2003.

Max Payne [edit]

  • Life knows 2 miseries; getting what y'all don't want and not getting what you want.
  • This hadn't been my kickoff fall in the night, still just a prelude to the real bargain, still a long fashion to the bottom.
  • I lied to myself that it was over. I was still alive, my loved ones were still dead. Information technology wasn't over.
  • I didn't deserve to walk away. There are no happy endings.
  • A bomb went off in my head. The bullet lodged in my brain moved a fatal, microscopic distance.
  • Everything had started out as black and white. Somewhere down the route, the line went blurry. The colors started to run, got smudged and gray. Winterson had been above my suspicion. It felt similar a goodbye.
  • There was a blind spot in my caput, a bullet-shaped hole where the answers should be. Phone call it denial. I wanted to dig inside my skull and scrape out the pain.
  • Kissing her, I think of the common cold laws of cause and effect.
  • Mona's appearance had triggered a dislocation. Schizophrenia. I felt bliss, only with it, fear that all the past evils had come along for the ride.
  • Home, sweet dwelling. Something in the night felt like a door had been opened, an echo of the past, an old monster snapping its optics open up in the depths of my encephalon. Closing your optics forces you to wait at the darkness inside.
  • A funhouse is a linear sequence of scares. Take it or leave it is the only choice given. Makes you think almost free will: have our choices been fabricated for us because of who nosotros are?
  • Mona had come through here, the dead cleaners is a sign of her passage.
  • [Narration, after having seen Mona Sax, whom he thought dead] If you think nothing can get to you, you're lying to yourself. At best you're temporarily expressionless. A lightning commodities could re-animate yous without a alert.
  • The by is a gaping pigsty. You endeavour to run from it, only the more yous run, the deeper, more terrible information technology grows backside you lot, its edges yawning at your heels. Your only take a chance is to turn around and face up it. But information technology's like looking downwards into the grave of your love, or kissing the oral fissure of a gun, a bullet trembling in its dark nest, ready to blow your caput off.
  • Throw the rules out the window, odds are you'll go that way too.
  • Like all the bad things in my life, it started with the death of a woman. I couldn't salvage her.
  • The genius of the pigsty: no matter how long yous spend climbing out, yous tin can still fall back down in an instant.
  • All this fourth dimension nosotros got the legend of Sleeping Beauty wrong. The prince didn't osculation her to wake her up. No one who slept for a hundred years is likely to wake upwardly. It was the other way round. He kisses her to wake himself upward from the nightmare that has brought him there.
  • They were later on me, information technology was my error. You tin't run from your by. You'll end up running in circles. Until you fall back down to the same hole you were trying to escape from, only the pigsty's grown deeper.
  • Decease is inevitable. Our fear of it makes us play prophylactic, blocks out emotion. It's a losing game. Without passion you lot are already dead.
  • In that location are no choices. Null merely a straight line. The illusion comes afterwards, when you ask "why me?" and "what if?". When you look dorsum and see the branches, similar a pruned bonsai tree, or forked lightning. If you had done something differently, it wouldn't be yous, it would be someone else looking dorsum, asking a different set of questions.
  • The trouble with wanting something is the fright of losing information technology, or never getting it. The thought makes you weak.
  • At present, like all my loves, she is mine forever. She has brought me here, to this moment of clarity, where fourth dimension slows down, and I choose to look back, to see myself. And in that human action of seeing, I am reborn.
  • As surely as the bullet rips through the victim's flesh, organ and bone, it shatters the image of the homo who pulls the trigger.
  • The past is a puzzle, like a broken mirror. As y'all slice information technology together, you cut yourself, your image keeps shifting. And yous change with information technology. It could destroy y'all, bulldoze you mad. It could gear up you gratuitous.
  • I didn't know what Mona wanted, if it was the aforementioned thing that I was after. To impale those who were trying to kill her. The bullet, real or imagined, lodged in her head routing her synapses. Driving her on.
  • This is what I see when I look back. These moments, blinding as snow, they impale you, change y'all. Yous die and live again, remade.
  • I had a bomb ticking in my head. No amount of painkillers would disable it.
  • "The things that I want", by Max Payne. A smoke. A whiskey. For the dominicus to shine. I want to slumber to forget. To alter the past. My wife and babe girl back. Unlimited ammo and a license to kill. Right then, more anything, I wanted her.
  • At that place are things in life yous cannot choose: how you experience.
  • Like e'er, the dead had all the answers I was missing. It wasn't that they weren't eager to talk; quite the contrary, the dead had plenty to say and once they started, they would never shut up. Their words would keep you awake at night.
  • When you're waking upward, the globe is a blur. What was clear in a dream, suddenly makes no sense. No surreal rescues. No easy, magic mode out. Merely yous are awake.
  • With no way to deal with the past, I kept my optics on the route, off the rear-view mirror and the road-kill behind me. I chased lesser mysteries, other people'southward crimes.
  • Einstein was right, time is relative to the observer. When y'all're looking down the barrel of a gun, time slows down. Your whole life flashes by, heartbreak and scars. Stay with it, and you lot can live a lifetime in that split second.
  • This is love. When someone drags you from the wreckage when yous accept given in, ready to just lie at that place and dice. This is love. When someone, no thing what the cost, shows y'all there is hope, a choice, that you lot can put downwards your gun. This is dearest. Dear hurts.
  • When entertainment turns into a surreal reflection of your life, y'all're a lucky man if you can laugh at the joke. Luck and I weren't on speaking terms, or maybe the place was simply also damn lame to be funny.
  • Your past has a mode of sneaking up on yous. You lot'll hear broken echoes of it everywhere, like a bad replay. You'll get mad at everyone for reminding you about information technology, even if it's all in your head.
  • Y'all come to, amidst the wreckage of your ain making. Do you stay there, optics squeezed shut, agape to motion, hoping to bleed to death? Or exercise you crawl out, help your loved ones, brand sure the fire doesn't spread, endeavour to gear up it?
  • Firing a gun is a binary choice. Either you pull the trigger or you don't.
  • The explosion in my flat had started a fire. The flames couldn't burn abroad my past. They but made the shadows behind me leap college.
  • In a nightmare, every choice you make is a wrong ane. I would wake up at night, afraid that day was a dream I'd forget.
  • I am afraid. Merely I start once more from the kickoff, trace my own steps to the scene of the criminal offense.
  • The gilding on the mask had croaky to reveal the rot underneath.
  • The world was getting too minor for comfort.
  • "Cleaners" was a misnomer. They were making a mess of information technology.
  • I felt similar I was walking into a trap. I felt guilty, similar I was nigh to get caught.
  • Fraternizing with the enemy. I had stepped over the edge. The drawing moment when the gravity waits for the coyote to realize his mistake before the plunge.
  • Mona was still the answer. I caught glimpses of her out of the corner of my eye, felt her presence everywhere I went. I was trying to trace her path, recreate the winding course of the magic bullet in her head. I couldn't find her.
  • She was dead. The bullet in her head had come to the end of its wearisome-motion journey.
  • I'd found the sniper's hideout. They'd been spying on me for days, weeks, months even. My every action, observed, recorded, analyzed. The place was the proof every paranoiac dreams of.
  • I had tried to run from it, edit information technology out. Winterson was dead. I was a murderer.
  • I thing left to do. I was compelled to give Vlad his gun back. Ane bullet at a fourth dimension.
  • Home is where your heart is … [Cleaner in distance, speaking to other cleaner: "Simple, not like in the movies where the hero has a hazard to disarm the bomb."] Once, it would have been a house in the suburbs … [Cleaner in altitude, again speaking to other cleaner: "He opens the door, and Blast!"] Now, null was left of it … [The door is opened past a 3rd cleaner and blows all 3 upward, as well every bit the apartment] I wasn't happy with the mode the cleaners were doing their job.
  • Behind the door [seventh flooring of the apartment building] were the suites. They weren't an improvement on the regular apartments.
  • Without Mona's help, I'd be a dead man. Suddenly, for the first time in I don't know how long, I realized, I didn't wish to be dead.
  • [Over microphone] Vlad, shut up and stay alive, I'k coming.
  • Mona, these guys are packing, close to overkill, hardcore professionals.
  • I felt the ascension of that old familiar feeling. I hated information technology. I welcomed it.
  • [In a dream, in a jail cell labeled "paranoid"] Wait, just wait, I can effigy this out, I tin can prepare this. I can make it better! Just think. Think!
  • It was all connected. The murder of Senator Gate, the Cleaners, the Inner Circle, Vinnie Gognitti. I had to make Winterson encounter information technology.
  • Vinnie was about to piss his pants, he'd end up short circuiting the flop and blowing us both up.
  • Winterson would take found a way to do this nice, neat and make clean. Logic told me backup should be on its way. Somebody must accept heard the gunfire. Logic was such a liar.
  • Mona's words on her beingness a "sitting duck" kept playing in my caput. The bomb had misdirection written all over information technology.
  • I couldn't crack her. I had to crack the example.
  • Sometimes, something good comes out of it. Something you know you wouldn't deserve in a million years.
  • You'd have to be a first-degree fool to fall for a woman who returns from the dead but to put a gun to your face.
  • She was beautiful. I hated her for making me feel this way.
  • Now that I was with her, I was reluctant to hear her answers.
  • Your by is like pieces of a broken mirror. You try to pick them up, simply yous only finish upward cutting yourself.
  • [Final quote] I had a dream of my wife. She was expressionless. But information technology was all correct.
  • Information technology was almost morning time, waking upward from the American Dream. Nosotros are willing to suffer, to die for the things we care about. For love, for the right choices, Because of her, I had solved the case. My instance. All of it. Who I am. Is information technology worth it? Saying that information technology never is would be a lie. Sometimes you get lucky. Sometimes, something practiced comes out of it. Something y'all know y'all wouldn't deserve in a million years. Something that gives you a reason to go on.
    • Only said in the Dead on Arrival ending

Mona Sax [edit]

  • [To Max] What are you so agape of? What practise yous desire from me?
  • [Trying to assist Max, to herself] Sometimes, Mona, you gotta become down to get upwards.
  • You're a bastard, Max.
  • [To Vlad, having shot him in the arm] See? You're naught merely a one-armed bandit.
  • [Last quote] God, I turned out to be such a damsel in distress.
    • She dies afterwards saying this unless the game has been completed on Dead on Arrival difficulty.

Vladimir Lem [edit]

  • [Catchphrase] Accept no fright, Vlad is here!
  • [catchphrase] (Proper noun of person(due south) he is talking to), love of all my friends...!
  • Max! 911! Bad guys with big guns!
  • [Over microphone] Ladies and gentlemen, let me to present Max Payne. New York's Finest, with the biggest mobster bodycount ever. Dearest guests, prepare to dice … [Assorted gunfire] Max, I'd love to come and welcome you, but I'm busy dodging bullets and hiding under a desk at the moment.
  • [Over microphone] Max? Damn information technology … aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgghhhhh!
  • Hypothetically, if the but choice y'all've got is to do the wrong thing, then it's non really the wrong affair, information technology'southward more like fate.
  • I hate to practice this, but you know how yous are, you would never let information technology become!
  • Information technology's ameliorate to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.
    • Actual quote from Paradise Lost by John Milton
  • No gun when you demand one …
  • [Well-nigh Mona] I know of her. Her reputation equally a hired killer. I hear she is a rock fox. I would fuck her.
  • [To Max] Besides, a gentleman e'er avenges the insults done to his lady. You did impale Winterson. [Shoots Max]
  • Of form, nosotros agree to disagree.
  • [Alfred Woden'southward message machine] I am coming to kill you, sometime man. You lot actually know how to piss me off, y'all know? Would it have killed you to say "thanks" for in one case in your life, to say, "Vlad, my son – tin I call y'all my son, considering I sure do love y'all like one. – Vlad, my son, y'all are a true prodigy, everything you bear on turns to gold." Oh, wait, it is going to kill you. I'1000 done doing your dirty work for you. You should be proud. I have learned all you lot've taught me. I'm coming to show you.
  • You have wrecked my restaurant twice at present. Y'all can be so damn uncompromising, fanatical about these things Max. One of these days, it's going to become you killed!
  • What the fuck is wrong with you, Max?! Why don't you just dice?! You lot hate life, you're miserable all the time, afraid to enjoy yourself even a piffling. Face up information technology, you lot might too be dead already. Practice yourself a favor, give upwardly!
  • [Last words] Max … honey of all my friends … I was supposed to be the hero …

Vinnie Gognitti [edit]

  • [Regarding his collection of Captain Baseball game Bat Boy trade] What? What, I'm a collector! Do you know how much this stuff is worth? I tell ya', fuckin' much! There'southward nothin' nerdy about it, I'm a collector! Lots of tough guys are into this stuff! Frankie was into this stuff, he was a fuckin' tough guy! Just you wait till I sell my collection online! We'll see who's the nerd when I'g a millionaire!
  • Well, that was fun, in a fucking terrible, sick, not-at-all fun fashion!
  • Aw, man! Why does this keep happenin' to me? Oh, it was sooo perfect [the Giant-headed Baseball-bat boy costume], now it'due south ruined! [Max comes through the doorway] Aw, no! No style!
  • [Shooting his Ingram at Vlad] Die, Russian! Fuckin' die already!
  • No no no no no PAYNE WHADDYA DOIN?!! WHADDYA DOIN?!!! Those are priceless collectors items! Payne, whaddaya doin'?! Aww shit! Ohh...

Various [edit]

  • The Pink Flamingo: [on Boob tube] .mirrors are more fun than tv
  • The Pinkish Flamingo: [on TV] .she has dyed her hair cerise
  • The Pinkish Flamingo: [on Television] .the mankind of fallen angels
  • John Mirra: [on Television set, accost Unknown] When Mirra killed again, the map of the city changed. Like a shifting glacier, a new scissure appeared with every gunshot. I had abased all conventional methods of navigation. I was following the bloody signs he kept leaving me. And he was watching me exercise it.
  • John Mirra: [on TV, address Unknown] Wherever I went, the pay phones started to ring. Finally, I collected plenty courage to reply 1.
  • Dick Justice: [on TV] The rain was comin' down like all the angels in heaven decided to take a piss at the same time. When y'all're in a situation like mine, you can only retrieve in metaphors.
  • Mafia Thug: [fighting Cleaners] Motherfuckers! You call up you lot can come in hither, you retrieve you can? Eh? Eh?! You lot think! You think incorrect, motherfuckers! You call up wrong!
  • Jim Bravura: They [the cleaners] hit your habitation? It's like a friggin' Kindergarten out there! What next? A kid with a purse full of guns and a caput total of videogames turns the firm into a shooting gallery. Breaks my heart.
  • Jim Bravura: [afterward being shot by a cleaner] Bullshit!
  • Mike the Cowboy: Of class he's not dead yet, the sheriff only dies in the cease. Well, Payne, I'one thousand here, in the boss' office. Come on. I'1000 waiting. Permit'south finish this. What's taking you and then long, sheriff? Scared?

Dialogue [edit]

Mona Sax: The Circle goes back to the centuries-old masonic cults, abuse and assassinations reaching all the way to presidential level.
Max Payne: Right. And here I was thinking conspiracy theories had gone out of style.

Mona Sax: There's a contract out on u.s..
Max Payne: In that location is no "u.s.a." in this.

Max Payne: [seeing Mona afterwards a long fourth dimension] Mona?
Mona Sax: Max, we got to stop meeting like this.

Max: Mona Sax?
Officeholder Petersburg: The last pokey down the corridor to your left. Mona Sax, huh? Lucky bastard, I wouldn't mind getting a statement from her. Aye, she's a looker. She killed someone? Better exist careful, Payne. Very Bones Instinct.

Mafia thug ane: Oh yep, like practiced ol' times. When we were notwithstanding peddling V, when nosotros had that Russian son of a bowwow downwards for the count. When we were hunting that underground fed, what'south his name over again? "Injure"?
Mafia thug two: "Hurt" my ass. "Payne" was his proper noun, "Payne".

Mafia thug three: It's raining cats and dogs here!
Mafia thug 2: "For I'm a pelting domestic dog besides".
Mafia thug 3: Stay sharp. It'southward gonna rain somethin' else also when the cleaners prove up.

Mafia thug 1: We demand to keep those Russians away from the boss.
Mafia thug 2: Yeah, continue them away from the … the captain. Oh, I'yard lamentable, lamentable, I know it's nothing to laugh nearly, deadly serious.
Mafia thug 3: The Adventures of Helm Big Head Gognitti! [Vinnie is tricked past Vlad into putting on a Behemothic-headed Captain Baseball-bat Boy costume with a flop in the head]

Cleaner 1: He tells me that I'grand new to this job, and that I'll be workin' with all of the colours except green.

[The concluding episode of Accost Unknown, the TV series]
John Mirra (Protagonist): [answers the phone and listens]
John Mirra (Antagonist): John Mirra?
John Mirra (Protagonist): This is he.
John Mirra (Adversary): This is John Mirra. Welcome to the adjacent level.

Vinnie Gognitti: No! Payne! Not you! Why does this keep happening to me? Payne, you gotta help me! There'due south a freaking bomb in here. If I accept the head off, information technology blows. Bye Bye Vinnie! You're a freaking cop! You gotta assist me!
Max Payne: How did this happen?
Vinnie Gognitti: The Russian tricked me.
Max Payne: Join the guild.
Vinnie Gognitti: I can help ya get him, I tin can, I swear, You get me out of this and I will aid you lot go him.

External links [edit]


  • Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne quotes at the Cyberspace Movie Database
  • Official Max Payne ii: The Fall of Max Payne website


Source: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Max_Payne_2:_The_Fall_of_Max_Payne

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